All models ready to launch must be presented to the RSO for
a safety check.
When using the ALLEY SYSTEM, permission to launch must be
given by the RSO. A loud 5 second countdown must be used
before launch.
An attempt MUST be made to insure that all models
are recovered within the boundries of the park. Using engine/recovery
systems compatible with wind conditions etc. (This does not apply
at contests).
High power (Over 30 Newton-seconds) flights, when allowed
by the RSO will be ignited from a minimum distance of 30 feet. (Recovery
as in rule #4).
Models using more than 30 Newton-seconds of power must use
at least a 3/16" or 1/4" launch rod. If smaller, model
may not be allowed to fly. (RSO to decide)
MOD-ROC flights will be allowed at the discretion of the
RSO. (Recovery as in rule #4).
Entry and exit from the launch area will be from one end
only, at the R S O table.
Static testing of engines will not be allowed.
Long thrusting engines should only be used in very calm
wind conditions (No more than 4.5 seconds of thrust time can be
flown. Recovery as in rule #4)
All prepping of models will be done outside of launch area.
Alcohol is not allowed at any GSSS model
rocket launch.